
———— in press/In REVIEW/submitted ————

49) M Watowich et al (including VV Venkataraman). The built environment is more predictive of cardiometabolic health than other aspects of lifestyle in two rapidly transitioning Indigenous populations by Dr. Marina Watowich. The Lancet Global Health (submitted)

48) Fannin LD, C Seyoum, VV Venkataraman, JD Yeakel, TE Cerling, NJ Dominy. Behavioral drive and hominin evolution. Science (in review)

47) A Moges, A Bekele, PJ Fashing, D Yazezew, H Ibrahim, N Nguyen, TM Eppley, VV Venkataraman, AD Mekonnen. Seasonal activity patterns of Arsi geladas (Theropithecus gelada arsi) inhabiting a low-elevation, anthropogenic landscape in eastern Arsi, Ethiopia. Primates (in review)

———— 2024 ————

46) Venkataraman, V.V., Hoffman, J., Farquharson, K., Davis, H.E., Hagen, E.H., Hames, R.B., Hewlett, B.S., Glowacki, L., Jang, H., Kelly, R. and Kramer, K., 2024. Female foragers sometimes hunt, yet gendered divisions of labor are real: a comment on Anderson et al.(2023) The Myth of Man the Hunter. Evolution and Human Behavior 45(4): 106586

45) L Brassington, AM Arner, MW Watowich, J Damstedt, NK Seong, Y AL Lim, VV Venkataraman, IJ Wallace, TS Kraft, AJ Lea. 2024. Integrating the Thrifty Genotype and Evolutionary Mismatch Hypotheses to understand variation in cardiometabolic disease risk, Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health. eoae014

44) Hohn, T.I., Lin, B., Miller, C.M. et al. Post-Conflict Behaviors of Wild Gelada Monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) at Guassa, Ethiopia. Int J Primatol (2024).

43) PJ Fashing, CA Chapman, Ejigu Alemayehu Worku, Belste Fetene, Mekbib Fekadu, Awoke Guadie, Nils Chr. Stenseth, VV Venkataraman. 2024. The Ethiopian wolf can act as a flagship and umbrella species to protect the Afroalpine ecosystem and foster sustainable development. Environmental Conservation 51 (1), 45-54.

———— 2023 ————

42) J Hoffman, K Farquharson, VV Venkataraman. 2023. The ecological and social context of women’s hunting in small-scale societies. Hunter-Gatherer Research

41) VV Venkataraman. 2023. Nikolai Mikluho-Maclay’s ethnographic methods in New Guinea (1871-1873). Annals of the History of Philosophy and Biology 27: 71-91.

40) AJ Lea et al. (including VV Venkataraman). 2023. Applying an evolutionary mismatch framework to understand disease susceptibility. PLoS Biology 21 (9), e3002311.

39) H Ibrahim, A Bekele, PJ Fashing, N Nguyen, D Yazezew, A Moges, VV Venkataraman, A Mekonnen. 2023. Feeding ecology of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) at Borena-Sayint National Park, northern Ethiopia. Primates: 1-14.

38) VV Venkataraman, A Mekonnen. Geladas. 2023. Current Biology. 33(10): R382-R384 (May 2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.04.022 pdf

37) TS Kraft, D Cummings, VV Venkataraman, KE Endicott, S Alami, E Seabright, B Trumble, J Stieglitz, H Kaplan, M Gurven. 2023. Female cooperative labor networks in hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378 (1868): 20210431

36) J Hanna and VV Venkataraman. 2023. Experimental research on foot use and function during climbing by primates. In: Evolution of the Primate Foot (eds. A Zeininger, K Hatala, R Wunderlich, and D Schmitt). Springer Press.

———— 2022 ————

35)TM Gutema, A Atickem, D Tsegaye, D Chala, A Bekele, C Sillero-Zubiri, J Marino, D Zinner, VV Venkataraman, PJ Fashing, NC Stenseth. 2022. Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of African wolves (Canis lupaster) in the Ethiopian highlands. Global Ecology and Conservation, 40, e02324. pdf

34) IJ Wallace, TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman, HE Davis, NB Holowka, AR Harris, DE Lieberman, M Gurven. 2022. Cultural variation in running techniques among non-industrial societies. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4e:14. pdf

 33) NB Holowka, TS Kraft, IJ Wallace, M Gurven, VV Venkataraman. 2022. Forest terrains influence walking kinematics among Tsimane Amerindians of the Bolivian Amazon. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4e:19. pdf

32) IJ Wallace, AJ Lea, YAL Lim, SKW Chow, IbM Sayed, R Ngui, MTH Shaffee, K-S Ng, C Nicholas, VV Venkataraman, TS Kraft. Orang Asli Health and Lifeways Project (OA HeLP): Study Protocol. BMJ Open (accepted).

31) A Mekonnen, PJ Fashing, CA Chapman, VV Venkataraman, NC Stenseth. 2022. Flagship-umbrella species can help in restoration and sustainable development efforts: Bale monkeys and bamboo forest in Ethiopia. Journal for Nature Conservation 126117.

———— 2021 ————

30) A Mekonnen, PJ Fashing, VV Venkataraman, CA Chapman, NC Stenseth, RA Hernandez-Aguilar. 2021. Sleeping site and tree selection by Bale monkeys (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis) at Kokosa forest fragment in southern Ethiopia. International Journal of Primatology 42:915-932. pdf

29) TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman, IJ Wallace, AN Crittenden, NB Holowka, J Stieglitz, J Harris, DA Raichlen, B Wood, M Gurven, H Pontzer. 2021. The energetics of uniquely human subsistence strategies. Science 374(6575): eabf0130. pdf

28) VV Venkataraman, Miller CM, Foxfoot I, Lin B, Petrie ZL, Simberloff RA, T Hohn, Kerby JT, Nguyen N, Fashing PJ. 2022. Epizoochorous seed dispersal by an Afromontane savanna primate. Biotropica 54(2): 358-369.

27) LD Fannin, JD Yeakel, VV Venkataraman, C Seyoum, D Geraads, PJ Fashing, N Nguyen, K Fox-Dobbs, NJ Dominy. 2021. Carbon and strontium isotope ratios shed new light on the paleobiology and collapse of Theropithecus, a primate experiment in graminivory. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 110393 pdf

———— 2020 ————

26) TS Kraft TS, VV Venkataraman, Endicott KE, Endicott KM. 2020. Preserving quantifiable ethnographic records of disappearing human lifeways. Evolutionary Anthropology 29(3) pdf

25) J Koster et al (including VV Venkataraman). 2020. The life history of human foraging: cross-cultural and individual variation. Science Advances eaax9070. pdf

24) B Lin et al (including VV Venkataraman) 2020. Leopard (Panthera pardus) predation on wild gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) at Guassa, Ethiopia. American Journal of Primatology e23098. pdf

———— 2019 ————

23) TM Gutema et al. (including VV Venkataraman) 2019. Foraging ecology of African wolves (Canis lupaster) and its implications for the conservation of Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis). Royal Society Open Science 6:190772. pdf

22) AJ Cunningham, S Worthington, VV Venkataraman, RW Wrangham. 2019. Do hunter-gatherers live in marginal habitats? Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 25:584-599. pdf

21) TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman, IC Tacey, K Endicott. 2019. Foraging, prosociality, and kin support do not predict reproductive success in Batek hunter-gatherers. Human Nature 29:1-27. pdf

———— 2018 ————

20) VV Venkataraman, AK Yegian, IJ Wallace, N Holowka, I Tacey, M Gurven, TS Kraft. 2018. Locomotor constraints favor the evolution of the human pygmy phenotype in tropical rainforests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20181492. (Reported by Newsweek) pdf

19) P Trosvik et al. (including VV Venkataraman) 2018. Multilevel social structure and diet shape the gut microbiota of the grazing gelada monkey. Microbiome 6:84. pdf SI

18) TM Gutema et al. (including VV Venkataraman) 2018. Competition between sympatric wolf taxa: an example involving African and Ethiopian Wolves. Royal Society Open Science 5:172207. pdf

17) Mekonnen A et al. (including Venkataraman VV) 2018. Flexibility in positional behavior, strata use, and substrate utilization among Bale monkeys (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis) in response to habitat fragmentation. American Journal of Primatology e22760. pdf

———— 2017 ————

16) VV Venkataraman, TS Kraft, NJ Dominy, KM Endicott. 2017. Hunter-gatherer residential mobility and the marginal value of rainforest patches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114:3097-3102. pdf SI

15) N Nguyen et al. (including VV Venkataraman). 2017. Observations of 13 diurnal births in wild gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada): Behavior, impact of parity, and implications for human evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163:14-29. (Reported by NPR) pdf

———— 2016 ————

14)  RD Greaves et al. (including VV Venkataraman) 2016. Appendix B. Economic activities of twenty-first-century foraging populations. In: Codding BF and Karen L. Kramer, eds. Why Forage? Hunters and Gatherers in the Twenty-first Century. University of New Mexico Press. pp 241-262.

13) A Shapiro, VV Venkataraman, PJ Fashing, N Nguyen. 2016. Dietary ecology of fossil Theropithecus: inference from dental microwear textures of extant geladas from ecologically diverse sites. Journal of Human Evolution 99:1-9. pdf

12)  A van Casteren, VV Venkataraman, AR Ennos, PW Lucas. 2016. Novel developments in field mechanics. Journal of Human Evolution 98:5-17. pdf

———— 2015 ————

11) TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman. 2015. Could plant extracts have enabled hominins to acquire honey before the control of fire? Journal of Human Evolution 85:65-74. pdf

10) VV Venkataraman, JT Kerby, N Nguyen, ZT Ashenafi, PJ Fashing. 2015. Solitary Ethiopian wolves increase predation success on rodents when among grazing monkey herds. Journal of Mammalogy 96:129-137. (Reported by Slate and Scientific American) pdf

9) N Nguyen, PJ Fashing, DA Boyd, TS Barry, RJ Burke, CB Goodale, SC Jones, JT Kerby, BS Kellogg, LM Lee, CM Miller, NO Nurmi, MS Ramsay, VV Venkataraman, Y Knauf, C Roos, S Knauf. 2015. Increased mortality and diminished reproductive potential in wild geladas with Taenia serialis tapeworm cysts at Guassa, Ethiopia. American Journal of Primatology 77:579-594. pdf

8) TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman, JC Green, M Suratman. 2015. Towards a sweeter future: conserving the giant Asian honey bee in Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Naturalist 68:32-36. pdf

———— 2014 ————

7) PJ Fashing, N Nguyen, VV Venkataraman, JT Kerby. 2014. Gelada feeding ecology in an intact ecosystem in the Menz Highlands, Ethiopia: Variability over time and implications for hominin evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 155:1-16. pdf

6) VV Venkataraman, H Glowacka, J Fritz, M Clauss, PJ Fashing, N Nguyen, C Seyoum. 2014. Effects of dietary fracture toughness and dental wear on chewing efficiency in geladas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 155:17-32. pdf

5) TS Kraft, VV Venkataraman, NJ Dominy. 2014. A natural history of human tree climbing. Journal of Human Evolution 71:105-118. pdf

———— 2013 ————

4) VV Venkataraman, TS Kraft, JM DeSilva, NJ Dominy. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity of climbing-related traits in the ankle joint of great apes and rainforest hunter-gatherers. Human Biology 85:309-328. pdf

3) VV Venkataraman, C Rolian, AD Gordon, BA Patel. 2013. A resampling approach and implications for estimating the Phalangeal Index from unassociated hand bones in fossil primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151:280-289 pdf

2) VV Venkataraman, TS Kraft, NJ Dominy. 2013. Tree climbing and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110:1237-1242.(Reported by National GeographicBoston GlobeScientific American, and Huffington Post.) pdf

———— 2011 ————

1) PJ Fashing, N Nguyen, TS Barry, CB Goodale, RJ Burke, SC Jones, JT Kerby, LM Lee, NO Nurmi, VV Venkataraman. 2011. Death among geladas (Theropithecus gelada): a broader perspective on mummified infants and primate thanatology. American Journal of Primatology, 73: 405–409. (Reported by Wired and New Scientist) pdf